They Melt In Your Mouth: Quick Chocolate Cubes

They Melt In Your Mouth: Quick Chocolate Cubes

Who can refuse a chocolate dessert with cream that melts in your mouth? You will find the answer only find you prepare these quick chocolate cubes.


  • 8 people
  • Easy

For the crust:

4 eggs

100g sugar

3 tablespoons flour

½ bag baking powder

200g butter

150g cooking chocolate


100ml milk

30ml rum


½ l sweet cream

500g cooking chocolate

50g butter



Mix the eggs with the sugar. Add the flour and baking powder. Melt the chocolate with the butter and add it to the mixture. Bake the crust for 30 minutes at 180°C .

Meanwhile warm the cream and remove it before it boils. Add the chocolate and butter. Stir until melt.

Once crust is baked pour the mixture with milk and rum, then add the cream.

Cool in the refrigerator without slicing the cake. Before serving you can decorate with grated chocolate or fruit if desired.

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